
Protection Service Main Activities


The protection directorate delivers a whole range of protection services to persons of concern (PoCs). In particular, the department provides physical protection, registration and documentations and also Refugee Status Determination Activities.

A. Physical Protection of Asylum seekers and Refugees

The Government of Ethiopia is currently providing Refugee Protection services to refugees of more than 21 nationalities based on the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU convention as well as its own national refugee proclamation 1110/2019.

RRS in collaboration with the UNHCR continues to work in ensuring that the rights of persons seeking asylum are protected. RRS mainstream a protection perspective throughout all stages of refugee program including at all levels of camp existence from planning, setup and camp closure as a responsibility of all including local government structures, partners working in the camp, camp management and refugees.

When selecting a camp, protection become crucial as a camp site must be at a certain distance from border and conflict areas. All our refugee camps are located in a reasonable and safe distance from border areas. We also monitor the detention centers (police cells and prisons) – to ascertain whether any asylum-seeker or refugee is detained, to follow-up on detention cases already known and to intervene in case of detention on charges of unlawful presence or for residing outside the refugee camps.

The directorate also monitors the borders of Ethiopia to make sure that asylum-seekers have effective access to the Ethiopian territory and that they are not refouled to their country of origin or to another country where their security and life could be at risk. The principle of ‘non-refoulement’ and the right to seek asylum of each individual facing persecution are the basis of the international protection regime of refugees.

Special services are also put in place for refugee with special needs including people with disabilities, unaccompanied and separated children, victims of sexual abuse, the elderly despite limited resources to cater the best to such vulnerable refugees.

B. Registration and Documentation

 Registration and documentation facilitate individuals, families and other groups of refugees access to rights, services and assistance they need. Registration is also the primary source of information to know more about the persons of concern: who and where they are, what their skills/profiles are and what their specific needs are. Registration enables RRS and its partners to identify persons in need of special assistance and to respond to their need in a timely manner.

 Registration very fact of being registered can protect against refoulement (forced return), arbitrary arrest and detention. It helps keep families together and assists UNHCR in reuniting separated children with their families. It finally provides crucial information to seek appropriate durable solutions.

In July 2022, UNHCR has handed over registration and documentation activities to the Government of Ethiopia, represented by Refugee and Returnee Service (RRS).  For the first time more than 92,000 refugees registration has been conducted by RRS personnel with the technical support of UNHCR in Bokh premises. While in Metema, UNHCR and RRS are jointly conducting profiling of undocumented individuals leading to the most vulnerable being issued with tokens to access assistance.

Refugee documentations are issued by RRS, these documents are namely such as passing permit, Proof of Registration, Identity Cards and Vital Event Documents which includes, birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates.

C. Refugee Status Determination (RSD) Activities

In Ethiopia, Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) conducts refugee status determination. The RSD process begins when an asylum seeker registers their application for asylum with RRS. RRS can be approached at their branch offices in Gambela, Asosa, Melkedida ,Jigjiga, Metema and  Addis Ababa (Head office). Prima facie registration/recognition is given to refugees mainly originating from South Sudan, Somalia, the Sudan and Yemen. Other nationals will go through individual screening where UNHCR has an observer status. This decision can either be recognition of refugee status or rejection of the asylum application. Applicants whose application are rejected have an opportunity to appeal with to the Refugee Appeal Board and if required to the Federal Supreme Court.

RSD is conducted on a first-come-first-served basis; however some cases may have to be prioritized due to specific vulnerabilities. The complexity of an RSD application and the information required, has an influence on the timeframe between an interview and a decision. After an asylum seeker has had an RSD interview, RRS staff will draft a recommendation which will go through a quality review after which the RRS takes the decision and the decision letter is prepared.


Activities of the Service

  • Performs the admission, registration and refugee status determination process of asylum seekers based on international, regional and national laws; Identifies problems encountered in implementation and proposes solutions;

  • After studying the situation of the applicants’ country of origin, it determines the status of recognition as a group or individually
  • performs the task of cancelling and revoking refugee status in accordance with the authority and functions given by the Refugee Proclamation;
  • Ensures that the recognized refugees abide by the laws and regulations of the country;
  • The information of asylum seekers and refugees is kept confidential and organized in a modern manner and shared with the relevant parties by establishing an information exchange system as necessary.
  • together with the relevant bodies; iidentifies the entry points through which asylum seekers can enter, Coordinates, performs receiving and transporting operations, establishes camp.
  • Works together with the relevant parties in the process of identifying and establishing refugee reception areas, screening centres and refugee camps;
  • The cases of applicants whose applications have not been accepted according to the refugee proclamation will be reviewed by the Appeals Councill, Monitors decisions. executes;
  • By establishing a coordinated system with the security and other relevant bodies in the areas where refugees are settled, it monitors the activities of military recruitment, illegal weapons, people and money trafficking in the refugee shelters, as well as the infiltration of terrorists; controls;
  • Ensures proper supervision and monitoring to prevent security threats due to asylum seekers and refugees; he will take appropriate action when they are found to be a threat to national security, rreports to the appropriate body;
  • In cooperation with the security bodies in every area and at every level, it protects the security of the employees and properties of the service and its partners, as well as the service facilities and the refugees in the camps and outside the camps;
  • Ensures that the rights of refugees and asylum seekers under various international, regional and national refugee laws are applied equally without discrimination;
  • Refugees to protect their own safety, when problems arise, he devises and implements strategies that allow them to be part of the solution; Monitors their implementation;
  • Ensures that the justice system of the country is accessible to refugees, facilitates conditions for them to solve their problems in traditional ways in refugee camps without violating the laws of the country;
  • Asylum-seeking women and children receive special protection and care in accordance with relevant laws throughout their stay in the country, starting from the border entry points; Monitors their availability.
  • Prevents and reduces the vulnerability of women and children to sexual and gender-based violence;
  • It works together with the relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies so that women and children who have suffered sexual and gender-based violence can benefit from the services of a centre in the areas where the refugees are located;
  • Facilitates conditions for the organization of refugee women’s associations in camps and other areas where refugees are present;
  • Identifies children who are separated from their families and have no caregivers, so that they can get the support and services they need;
  • Provides advice and support to refugees and asylum seekers on legal, psychological and social issues; facilitates situations.
  • It works together with the relevant parties in the case of refugees benefiting from the resettlement opportunity of a third country; Monitors that opportunities obtained are properly implemented; it also carries out advocacy activities to expand the opportunity.
  • Organizes information about third country resettlement agencies and refugees who benefit from the opportunity; it will be used for the necessary service.
  • Together with the stakeholders, it ensures that the causes of displacements are eliminated; coordinates for refugees to return to their country with their dignity and safety protected by fulfilling the necessary conditions;
  • Works in coordination with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and various humanitarian organizations regarding refugee protection and sustainable solutions;
  • Issuance of identity card, vital event registration and certificate, residence and movement permit to refugees; ensures that information is properly organized in a manner that preserves its confidentiality and is made available to relevant parties when necessary;
  • Refugees are provided with the support documents they need to obtain work permits, driver’s license, banking and financial services as well as telecommunications and services from the relevant government bodies;
  • Prepare letters of support for embassies when refugees apply to travel outside Ethiopia; facilitates obtaining necessary travel documents and exit visas;
  • It ensures that vulnerable groups of refugees are identified and their information is properly organized and that they receive special protection and assistance based on their needs;
  • He works with the relevant parties to ensure that the refugees who are allowed to live outside the camps in any part of the country live in the area where their safety and dignity are protected, and they live in peaceful interaction with the host community;
  • When it is decided to return refugees who were allowed to live outside camps for various reasons to return to refugee camps, it facilitates the conditions for them to return together with the relevant stakeholders;
  • Ensures that requests for visits to refugee camps and returnees’ temporary collection sites for the service do not pose a security threat;
  • Provides support for family reunification of asylum seekers and refugees in the country and abroad based on needs;
  • The Government of Ethiopia monitors the implementation of the commitments made in international forums and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework; supports; it applies.
  • When new or additional responsibilities are given to the directorate, he distributes or assigns them to groups according to the actual situation;

A. Major activities of the Refugee status Determination Team

  • Prepare, review and implement procedures for the admission, registration and recognition process of asylum seekers;
  • Conducts preliminary information gathering by identifying countries where asylum seekers may come;
  • conducts interviews for asylum seekers,
  • Refugee status recognition decisions will be provided to applicants in writing;
  • Refugee recognition ensures that applications and decisions are properly organized and confidential;
  • The RRS performs the task of canceling and revoking refugee recognition in accordance with the authority and functions given by the Refugee Proclamation;
  • Reports to the relevant body when asylum seekers who are suspicious and may be a threat to national security are found in the immigration recognition process;
  • It facilitates the situation in which the applicants whose application for recognition of immigration was not accepted receive the decision of the Appeals Council by accepting the appeal application.
  • By reporting the case of asylum seekers who have not been recognized as immigrants to the relevant governmental body, it facilitates their departure from the country;

B. Major activities of the physical protection team

  • Develops, evaluates, and implements refugee protection guidelines;
  • Identifies the entry points through which asylum seekers can enter together with the relevant bodies; coordinates receiving and transporting activities;
  • Works together with the relevant parties when refugee reception areas, screening centres and refugee camps are established;
  • By establishing a coordinated system with the security and other relevant bodies in the areas where refugees are settled, it monitors the recruitment of soldiers in the refugee camps, as well as the illegal trafficking of weapons, people and money, as well as the infiltration of terrorists; controls;
  • Ensures proper supervision and monitoring to ensure that there are no anti-peace forces under the name of asylum seekers and refugees, takes appropriate action when found to be a threat to national security, and reports to the relevant body.
  • Works in cooperation with the relevant government security agencies to ensure the safety of service personnel and service facilities;
  • Refugees to protect their own safety; when problems arise, he devises and implements strategies that allow them to be part of the solution; monitors their implementation;
  • Asylum-seeking women and children are monitored for receiving special protection and care in accordance with relevant laws throughout their stay in the country, starting from the border entry points.
  • Works in coordination with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and various humanitarian organizations regarding the protection of refugees;
  • It ensures that vulnerable groups of refugees are identified and their information is properly organized and that they receive special protection and assistance based on their needs;
  • Ensures that requests for visits to refugee camps and returnees’ temporary collection sites for the RRS do not pose a security threat;
  • Ensures that the rights set forth in various international, regional and national refugee laws for refugees and asylum seekers are equally applicable without discrimination;

C. Major activities of Registration and Documentation Team

  • Develop, review and implement registration milestones and documentation guidelines for reception of asylum seekers;
  • Receives and registers asylum seekers;
  • Updates and manages refugee information in the database;
  • Creates user access for the professionals and managers who carry out refugee registration and perform tasks using the database, monitors it, and closes it when necessary.
  • Provides registration documents for refugees, permanent and temporary identification papers that state their identity; issues residence permits and other supporting documents;
  • Registration of vital events (birth, death, marriage and divorce) of refugees; transfers information to the relevant party; maintains proper confidentiality of registration documents and performs cross-referencing when necessary;
  • Certificates for registered events are prepared and given to registrants
  • Prepare letters of support for embassies when refugees apply to travel outside Ethiopia; facilitates obtaining necessary travel documents and exit visas;
  • When it is decided to return refugees who were allowed to live outside the camps for various reasons to return to the refugee camps, a transportation document will be issued and their residential address and other important information will be updated in the database.
  • Organizes refugee information; updates and facilitates the sharing of information to relevant parties by establishing the necessary information exchange system;
  • Organizes information about third country resettlement agencies and refugees who benefit from the opportunity, it will be used for the necessary service.
  • Works together with the relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies so that they can benefit from the services of a centre in areas where refugees are located;

What we do

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