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RRS RR PMO inaugurated an irrigation project in ANRS in South Wollo Zone/Qallu/Worbiyte

An irrigation project in ANRS in south Wollo zone of Qallu Woreda Worbiyte Qabbale was inaugurated with the presence of Delegates from Zonal Admin, RRS RR PMO and local residents.

The irrigation project which is expected to benefit 420 Direct local beneficiaries has the capacity to irrigate 300 hectares of farm land and make the beneficiaries harvest three times in a year.

RRPMO provided a generator of highest volt, water pump and installed expensive water pipe to the reservoir, not to mention the technical support provided by the project staffs.

The local community paved a 3km long road which is of highest need to bring in the different machines to the site, as well as participated in the construction of  houses for the generator and water pipes.
