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Ethiopia urges relevant parties to pool resources for a peaceful resolution and stability in Sudan

Ethiopia urges relevant parties to pool resources for a peaceful resolution and stability in Sudan

(16 Dec. 2023 – Geneva)

In recent months, Ethiopia has found itself grappling with a profound humanitarian crisis as refugees from Sudan seek for protection within our borders.

Our response strategy has been comprehensive, addressing critical areas of protection, health, and education. However, significant challenges persist due to a substantial budgetary shortfall for expanding WASH services.

To address the pressing humanitarian crisis unfolding as Sudanese refugees seek protection in Ethiopia, relevant actors should recognize the human faces behind the staggering numbers and hardships that propel these families across borders.

As we leave the World Refugee Forum 2023, Ethiopia urges concerned parties to pool resources and ensure that no vulnerable individual is left behind by translating our empathy into tangible actions.
