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RRS DG Teyiba Hassen, together with her team, confers with German Ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Stephan Auer.

RRS DG Teyiba Hassen, together with her team, confers with German Ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Stephan Auer.

Refugees and Returnees Service Director General Teyiba Hassen held candid discussion with German Ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Stephan Auer on shared interests concerning refugees and asylum seekers.

The two explored ways to enhance support, promote integration and build a more inclusive future for a compassionate solution.

Thanks is due to the Government of Germany for supporting RRS’ programs and projects meant for refugees and host communities in Ethiopia.

Joining the discussion were RRS Deputy Director General Mulualem Desta, DG Office Head Daba Lemessa and HADP Director Zewdu Bedada.

Ethiopian Hands for Humanity!

