
Protecting and promoting health care in a refugee camp setting requires ensuring that all camp residents have access to the essential service of a health care system. 

RRS is the primary implementing partner running all primary health care facilities in refugee camps.

We work to realizer refugees’ right to health by ensuring that appropriate health care is available to all camp residents and by making certain that, from the onset of a refugee emergency, dependable health assessments and monitoring mechanisms are put in place.

Epidemiological surveillance is particularly important in health management for the collection of basic data, identification of disease patterns, determining health risks and defining appropriate actions, and for early warning of epidemic outbreaks. We make sure that the health centers and outposts are sufficiently prepared, equipped and can respond rapidly to the multitude of potential epidemics that can strike a refugee camp.

Ongoing Health Promotion programs include the following, among others:

  • Community-based hygiene/health promoters
  • Reproductive health information/education with a gander-sensitive HIV/AIDS perspective
  • Distribution of condoms and sanitary supplies for female refugees
  • Waste collection and disposal, individual personal hygiene and vector control
  • Campaign promotion for building family latrines

What we do

How can we help you?

Contact us at the RRS office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.