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Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) is UNHCR’s (United Nation High Commission for Refugees) main Government counterpart to ensure protection of refugees in Ethiopia.

In an attempt to ensure better delivery of protection and assistance for the refugees in the country, RRS as the F.D.R.E Government Refugees and Returnees Service in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency is currently working in close partnership with over 48 national and international organizations in the country. These are both implementing and operational partners. Implementing Partners (IPs) represents international and national NGOs with whom RRS and UNHCR have signed a tripartite Project Partnership Agreements (PPAs), and receive direct fund support from UNHCR. Operational Partners (OPs) represents those with whom tripartite Letters of Understandings (LOUs) have been signed and are still active, and came with other funding sources than UNHCR to implement multifaceted projects that targets to benefit refugees and host communities. In order to strengthen its response to refugee situations in a comprehensive manner, the Government of Ethiopia through RRS will enhance its collaboration with a broader array of stakeholders. RRS will foster the expansion of partnerships with diverse UN agencies, traditional and non-traditional donors, private-sector organizations and foundations, international and national NGOs, civil society, media, academia, refugees and host communities and other stakeholders. This multi-stakeholder approach seeks to expand opportunities and ensure a more effective response to the developmental needs and aspiration of refugees and host communities through a whole of society approach.

Description of List of Agencies

AAH – Action Against Hunger

AHA – Africa Humanitarian Action

ANE – Action for the Needy In Ethiopia

ASDAPO – Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization

ARDO – Agricultural and Rural Development Office

CRS – Catholic Relief Services

CVT – Centre for Victims of Trauma

CWW – Concern World Wide

DCA – Dan Church Aid

DEC – Development Expertise Center

EOC-DICAC – Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development And Interchurch Aid Commission

DRC – Danish Refugee Council

EECMY – Ethiopian Evangelical Church – Mekaneyesus Development and Social Service Commission

GAIA – GAIA Association

GHANDI – GHANDI Foundation


GRRA – Gambella Rural Road Authority


IHS – Innovative Humanitarian Solutions

IMC – International Medical Corps

IOM – International Organization For Migration

IRC– International Rescue Committee

JRS – Jesuit Refugee Service

LWF – The Lutheran World Federation

MWW – Maternity World Wide

MCDO – Mother And Child Development Organization

MCMDO – Mothers And Children Multisectoral Development Organization

MSF-H – Médecins Sans Frontières (Holland)

MSF-S – Médecins Sans Frontières (Spain)

NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council

NRDEP – Natural Resources Development And Environmental Protection

OICE – Opportunities Industrialization Centers Ethiopia

OSD – Organization for Sustainable Development

OXFAM – Oxfam GB

PAPDA – Partnership for Pastoralists Development

PI – Plan International Ethiopia

PRS – Partner For Refugee Service

PWO – Pastoralist Welfare Organization

RaDO – Rehabilitation And Development Organization

SCI – Save The Children International

SEE – Save The Environment Ethiopia

UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees

UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund

WA-PYDO – Women and Pastoralist Youth Development Organization

UNWFP – United Nations World Food Program

WHO – World Health Organization

WVI – World Vision


How can we help you?

Contact us at the RRS office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.