
Fact and Figures

Registered Refugee Population As of June, 2023
Refugee Data & Statistics As of June 2023

Where We Work

Refugee & Returnee Service (RRS) is the Ethiopian government’s leading office in protecting refugees and coordinating assistance throughout Ethiopia.

RRS is an Ethiopian government representative for coordinating country-level refugee assistance & protection programs.




1. FDRE Refugees and Returnees Service Regulation / የኢፌዲሪ የስደተኞችና ተመላሾች አገልግሎት ነጋሪት አዋጅ

You can view and download the full Document (English & Amharic version) here below:

FDRE Refugees and Returnees Service Regulation



2. Directive to Implement Recognized Refugees and Asylum Seekers right to Work Directive No.. ______/2024 / እዉቅና ያገኙ ስደተኞች እና ጥገኝነት ጠያቂዎች የሥራ መብት አፈጻጸም ለመደንገግ የወጣ መመሪያ ቁጥር ____/2016 (ረቂቅ)

You can view and download the full Document (English & Amharic version) here below:

27.06.2024_R2W DD_Amharic version_Final Draft update

27.06.2024_R2W DD_English Version_Final Draft update

Government of Ethiopia Commitment for the GRF 2023


                                   2023 GRF Pledges Documents

Refugees and Returnees Service: Global Refugee Forum Preparation, Government of Ethiopia’s 2023 GRF Pledges Document.

You can view and download the full Global Refugee Forum Preparation, Government of Ethiopia’s 2023 GRF Pledges Document (English & Amharic version) here below:


GRF 2023 RRS Amharic Pledges