3rd Round Bajaj Handover

With the financial support of the European Union, the third batch of 15 three-wheel vehicles (Bajajs) were handed over to 15 Ethiopian returnees (9 M & 6 F) from European countries today, December 20, 2021, by Returnees Reintegration Project Management Office (RRPMO), Refugees and Returnees Services (RRS). The event was held at the RRPMO compound […]
3rd Round Bajaj Handover

With the financial support of the European Union, the third batch of 15 three-wheel vehicles (Bajajs) were handed over to 15 Ethiopian returnees (9 M & 6 F) from European countries today, December 20, 2021, by Returnees Reintegration Project Management Office (RRPMO), Refugees and Returnees Services (RRS). The event was held at the RRPMO compound […]