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RRS DG Teyiba Hassen addresses Ambassadors about Ethiopia’s determination in generously hosting huge number of refugees and asylum seekers despite internal and external challenges.

RRS DG Teyiba Hassen addresses Ambassadors about Ethiopia’s determination in generously hosting huge number of refugees and asylum seekers despite internal and external challenges.

Refugees and Returnees Service Director General Teyiba Hassen addressed Ethiopian Ambassadors and senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gathered in Addis Ababa for their annual meeting that amidst challenges, Ethiopia has been resolute in generously hosting huge number of refugees and asylum seekers.

DG Teyiba told that gathering that Ethiopia embraces diversity and cultivates a supportive atmosphere demonstrating its unwavering compassion and humanity in providing refuge for those in need.

The event came at the right time as it was organized after the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.

