RRS Melkadida operation hosted a multi-donor mission from 14 countries

RRS Melkadida operation hosted a multi-donor mission from 14 countries with the presence of Deputy Director General Biruhtesfa Mulugeta, heads of Somali regional state bureaus, European ambassadors and senior officers from UNHCR HQ and regional offices.

The mission visited projects undertaken by various stakeholders within the Melkadida refugees operation, including the Bokolmayo secondary school and actively engaging in a productive focus group discussion with PoCs.

It also:

????observed a 2 MW EEU solar project and a 2 MW solar plant currently under construction by EEU in Bokolmayo Wereda,

???? visited a water treatment plant in Melkadida and

???? engaged in insightful discussions with humanitarian actors, focusing on livelihood, energy and agricultural projects.

On the occasion, Deputy Director General Biruhtesfa Mulugeta elaborated Ethiopia’s policies and approaches regarding refugees, underscoring the government’s dedication to respond to the needs of refugees.

The mission came at a critical time while the overall operation of administering more than one million refugees in Ethiopia is suffering from under funding.