From Farmers to Investors
21-12-2023 G.C
Ardibu lake has started cradling “Ardibu Egir Aweta!!!”
As part of community support initiatives, an irrigation project in Amhara National Regional state in south Wollo zone of Qallu Woreda Worbiyte Qabbale was inaugurated with the presence of Delegates from Zonal Admin, RRS RR PMO and local residents.
The irrigation project which had been halted for the past 9 years due to lack of finance come to life again by the wide ranges of support provided by RRS RR PMO and thanks to the financial support from the European Union (EU).
This irrigation project which is expected to benefit 420 Direct local beneficiaries has the capacity to irrigate 300 hectares of farm land and make the beneficiaries harvest three times in a year.
This crucial irrigation project, which would greatly help to attain food Security in the locality and beyond, would never be a real success without RRS RRPMO’s support.
RRPMO provided a generator of highest volt, water pump and installed expensive water pipe to the reservoir, not to mention the technical support provided by the project staffs.
This Qaballe is identified as one of the migration Prone woredas in the region.
It is very exciting to see the local residents put their labour and resources which they say would enable them to have a descent life and support their families.
The local community paved a 3km long road which is of highest need to bring in the different machines to the site as well as participating in the construction of smaller houses for the generator and water pipe.
Local residents couldn’t find words to appreciate the support of the project office and gave certificates to all those who made this happen.
One village elder in his inaugural statement assured all as ‘life would never be the same again thanks to RRS RRPMO’s support’. He confirmed by saying ‘if you all come again to our Qaballe next year you would find us all in a very different state of livelihood than we are now. God Bless you for extending your hands and for keeping your promises.