RRS-RRPMO provided different materials worth more than 4,000,000 ETB to TVET colleges in Tigray region to strengthen their capacity building efforts.
The materials have been handed over to three TVETs in the region namely Adigrat, Adigudom and Tilahun Gizaw polytechnic colleges.
After handing over the materials, RRS Director General Teyiba Hassen appreciated the extra miles the Project Office has gone to make the support a reality and demanded the recipients to make best use of the support.
Thanking for the support, representatives of the colleges stated how the materials would help them give the much needed short-term training in construction, metal and wood work, garment and IT for returnees, unemployed youth and potential migrants seeking skills training to engage in various Micro and Small Enterprises.
The Project Office effected the support with the financial assistance of the EU. In fact, the follow up and support of the top management and the teamwork among the Project Manager, Project Coordinator and other dedicated staff is commendable.