In recent months, the Government of Ethiopia is expatriating a great number of nationals from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). In order to help the returnees with safe travel to their preferred community of return, Returnees’ Reintegration Project Office is availing transportation cash assistance.
The Project Office is providing assistance since 05 July 2021 for 3,516 returnees. The cash assistance is based on the accord entered between Returnees Reintegration Project Management Office (RRPMO) of Agency for Refugees and Returnees Affairs (ARRA) and National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC).
The agreement outlines RRPMO to support 45 million Birr to reach 30,000 returnees in order for them to pay for their internal travel from transit centers back to their preferred place of return. The Project Office is assisting the returnees in terms of cash with the financial support of the European Union (EU).
To date, 3,516 returnees (3,314 male and 202 female) are provided with transportation cash assistance channeled through the Project Office. The agreement between ARRA RRPMO and NDRMC will last until February 2022.